Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Sport Management, at Payame Noor University, Iran

2 Faculty Member, Department of Physical Education, Payame Noor University, Rasht, Iran.

3 Faculty Member, Department of Physical Education, Payame Noor University, Birjand, Iran


The goal of this research was to investigate the influence of planned training beavior to take the notice into activity in public sport to sake the increase the  students’ healh. Hence, the research was descriptive study in a survey method. The statistical population consisted of students of Payame Noor University in the academic year2014-2015. Then, statistical sample according to Morgan table was 384 people those were selected upon multi-stage clustering method. In addition, the measurement tool included a modified behavioral scale of planned behavior. The validty & reliability of the questionnaire were comfirmed. For inferential analysis of collected data Amos software and spss software version 18 were used.  The results of stepwise regression model showed that 46% of total changes in the level of participation in sport for all were dependent on three variables; Attitude, behavior control and general sport. Good fit indicators of Research model showed that the proposed model would be well suited that means that the theory of the pattern of planned behavior can explaine student participation in General sport. Therefore, it was suggested that university sports administrators should be prepared well to increase the students’s healh, strive about doing tricks in order to strengthen the attitude , mental norms and perceived behavior controlling , along with other influential factors of Participation in general sport,  including the provision of hardware and software infrastructure , access , financial issues , etc . To institutionalized sport for all students.


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