Writing criteria

Who can be the author of an article?

People who are mentioned together in the article's title page as "Byline" are considered the authors of the article from the journal's point of view. To be in this position, these people must have the following four conditions:

1- Had the initial idea of the research and design related to him or who played a role in collecting information and analyzing data.

2- wrote the initial text of the article and checked it carefully, or in a review of the initial writing of the article, he pointed out points that caused significant changes in the text.

3- Reread the article after preparation and before sending it to the journal, and he approves all parts of the article

4- The author of the article is the one who is responsible for all parts of the article, from the subject and methods to the discussion, and the correctness, accuracy, and originality of the research are confirmed by him.

In this way, all the people who had a role and responsibility in conducting the research and writing the article and its final review are mentioned as authors, and the order of their placement is completely agreed upon.

Corresponding Author: He is a person who has all the above four conditions, but his main role is to communicate with the journal office and convey the opinions of the reviewers and the editor of the journal to the authors and collect their appropriate answers and send them to the journal office, so his most important role is to coordinate the people of the group and the communication It is with the journal office.

Ghost Editor: A person who has the criteria for writing articles but whose name is not mentioned in the group of article authors, such as a student or novice researcher, is unethical thing

Guest Editor or Gift Editor: He is a person who does not meet the criteria for writing an article as described above, but his name is mentioned in the group of authors of the article. This is unethical and can be caused by the usual cultural compliments or false to increase the credibility of the article.


Author's Guide

Thank you for your interest in Quarterly Journal of Jundishapur Educational Development. Please read through the Submission Guidelines carefully prior to submitting your manuscript.

Submitted manuscripts should comply with the formatting guidelines specified in the manuscript submission template and instructions. Please note that the manuscripts not submitted in the following templates will be sent back to the authors for revision and resubmission.

1-      The article should include the title, Persian abstract, introduction, materials, methods, findings, discussions, references, references and English abstract. Adjust your article to the format listed above.

2-      The abstract should be up to 250 words unstructured and presented in Farsi and English.

3-      Authors’ Affiliation is written in a journal format (Example: Faculty member or student, Department ..., Faculty ..., University ..., City ..., Iran), avoid writing academic rank.

4-      The font of typing English abstract is Times New Roman and size 10 as well as Persian abstract with size 11 of Nazanin B, and the Persian text with size 12 of Nazanin B.

5-      The sum of the tables and diagrams must not be exceed four items, and the title of the tables have to be written above and the title of the diagrams below.

6-      To cite into the text; first, in parentheses, the author's last name is written, and then with one space, insert the year of publication. For example (Hemingway 1986).

7-      Charts and tables with the number and full title in Farsi language inserted into the Findings section and in proper place related to reference section are drawn.

8-      The list of References and Resources should be in alphabetical order according to the Harvard style.

9-      To list the resources, Use the following template; name the authors up to three member; and then, use the phrase (et all.) Last name, first letter of the onset of author’s name, (one space) publication year, article title, journal name (should be Italic), Volume Number, Sequence Number, and Page Number. In resource section, Year, Volume, and Page Number would be written as an example; (Vol.6., No.2, Pp. 23-28); moreover, the book title or the journal from which you extract the information is needed to be Italic.

10-  Example for the book: Last Name, (a space) onset letter of first Name (One space) Second author's last name, onset letter of first Name, (one space) Year of Publication, Book Title (Italics), Publisher Name, Place of Publication.

11-  The footnote should be inserted into proper place of the text; if the footnote is the author's name in the text, it should be completely removed from the footnote and moved into the text. No footnote in any pages.

12-  Republication of present article in other journals is prohibited and reciting to parts of the articles may be permitted.

((Click here to download the article submission and printing process.))

((Click here to download the authors' commitment form.))

((Click here to download the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form.))

((Click here to download the ORCID ID Guide.))