
1 MA Department of Educational Science and Psychology, Shahid Chamran Universitry of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

2 خوزستان- اهواز - خیابان گلستان -کوی اساتید

3 لرستان- کوهدشت- خیابان شهیدرضایی –کوچه شهید مرادیانی – رو به روی بهزیستی

4 اهواز- فاز یک- پاداد شهر- خیابان دانش- پلاک 37


The aim of this research was to determine the relationship between motivational orientations and academic self- determination with academic identity. Subjects were selected simple random sampling. The statistic society of this study included of 1699 person medical sciences university students in Ahvaz, those 150 individuals has been chosen by using accidental sampling style. Data has been collected by using questionnaire of goals achievement scales (AGOS), motivational orientations scales and academic self- determination scales (AIS) using regression analysis. In this study the reliability of questionnaire mentioned using coronbachs̕ alpha method is. /72, /67, ./70 and ./81 percent. The spss16 was used to investigate the relationship between variables. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, mastery approach goals, performance approach goals and academic self- determination with academic identity. Meanwhile the result showed that motivational orientations can be identified as a factor to be considered academic self- efficacy. Also the results of regression analysis with simultaneously entry method showed that predicting variables have the ability to explain 50/60 from academic identity.


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