Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate in Curriculum Study, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Faculty member of Curriculum Planning, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.



Introduction: The purpose of this study is to narrate the experiences of a university professor on the path to becoming a faculty member in the universities of the Ministry of Science and the problems of promoting the academic rank of professors in higher education in Iran.
Methods: The research method was an interpretive paradigm and qualitative approach, and the narrative-research method was biographical. Atlas TI software was used to analyze the research data.
Findings: Findings of the research in the field of challenges and problems to reach the faculty of universities showed that in some universities, faculty members are selected based on the tastes, views, and perspectives of the department, faculty, and university and less to discuss the qualifications and scientific and research background.
Conclusion: Faculty members in the university must have certain research criteria to be promoted, and professors are in a difficult position due to the dominance of the quantitative view. Therefore, in the discussion and conclusion, further description of the findings was mentioned and practical suggestions were presented.
Narrative-research of a university professor's experiences on the way to becoming a faculty member in the universities of the Ministry of Science and the problems of promoting the academic rank of professors in higher education in Iran
Introduction: Higher education is very important as the highest level of society's education system, because it plays an essential role in the growth and development of society in various technological, scientific, cultural, economic, social and political dimensions. In other words, the higher education system of every society tries to transmit specific norms and attitudes to the learners, openly and secretly. During their studies at the university, students are exposed to learning from planned, implemented and acquired programs, and through this education, they gain experiences that shape their value system, economy and purposeful actions. Most of us are exposed to the statement that you are inexperienced or the question of whether you have experience in this work. We have been appointed by experienced and experienced people. Of course, the latter is sometimes asked to know about a person's background in a specific job, such as teaching. Sometimes, like the first one, it is expressed in a sarcastic tone with the intention of warning or humiliating inexperienced people, but often in both cases, confusion may occur that leads to an error in diagnosis, and that is when the person's idea of the experience is not very clear. What distinguishes an experienced person from a seasoned person? The lack of what causes you to be employed professionally for years, but still be considered inexperienced? In the study of narration, which is not more than a few decades old, theorists have considered narration as a means to transfer knowledge and have defined its scope much wider than before. This branch of literary research focuses on the analysis of narrative and especially the forms and types of narrators and other materials, and as a modern theory it is mainly related to European structuralism, although the old studies of narrative forms and crafts from Aristotle's Boetic period are also among the works related to science. Narrative and narrative research can be known. As famous French philosopher and writer Paul Ricoeur said: In a society where narrative is dead, people are unable to share their experiences with each other. The purpose of this study is to narrate the experiences of a university professor on the path to becoming a faculty member in the universities of the Ministry of Science and the problems of promoting the academic rank of professors in higher education in Iran.
Materials and methods: The selection criteria were that the relevant professor should be a member of the academic staff and have the academic rank of associate professor, have high work experience and experience, establish a good interaction with the researcher during the interview, and at the end provide the researcher with comprehensive information. Techniques used in narrative research can include stories, biographies, diaries, letters, conversations, interviews, family stories, photographs, and life experiences. Therefore, for data collection, a semi-structured interview was used with an emphasis on the exploratory approach, which was conducted individually and ended when data saturation was reached. After conducting the interview, the participant was requested to conduct the interview again if needed. Atlas TI software version 9 under Windows, which is one of the strong software in the field of qualitative research, was used to analyze the research data. This software is presented to systematize the process of analyzing complex and unstructured data. In Atlas TI software, data such as text, multimedia, geographic, and location data are entered, and the program tries to extract structured data from unstructured information by providing various capabilities.
Findings and discussion: Findings of the research in the field of challenges and problems to reach the faculty of universities showed that in some universities, faculty members are selected based on the tastes, views, and perspectives of the department, faculty, and university and less to discuss the qualifications and scientific and research background.
Conclusion: In the process of upgrading the scientific rank of professors in various universities across the country, some challenges and problems are dominated by the view of quantification as well as the dominance of the view of technical fields that cast a shadow on humanities, which were among the important themes of this study. People who only see the world as numbers and figures and believe in the originality of education are not good for humanities. Humanities is not a science of zero and one like mathematics and physics, it is a dynamic science that is alive and active in all elements of society. Unfortunately, this view has cast a shadow on the life of the humanities field and has created problems for both students and newly hired professors and even university faculty members. When the number of articles is considered to improve the scientific rank, it is a completely quantitative view and it is not suitable for the working environment of humanities in the country. In the fields of humanities, especially education and curriculum planning, the exploratory and interpretive view is dominant, while this view should be taken into account to improve the scientific status of humanities professors, not to pay attention to the quantitative view that is specific to positivists, such As Thrandayk said: Everything that exists in nature is quantity and quantity can also be measured, while we interpretivists do not have such a view and we do not have statistical and mathematical conclusions in our works. Therefore, it is suggested that the number of professors' articles should not be taken into account in the promotion of professors' scientific rank and that other quality criteria and indicators should also be taken into consideration. Faculty members in the university must have certain research criteria to be promoted, and professors are in a difficult position due to the dominance of the quantitative view. Therefore, in the discussion and conclusion, further description of the findings was mentioned and practical suggestions were presented.


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