Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student, Department of Educational Sciences, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University of Tabriz, Iran.

2 Faculty, Department of Educational Sciences, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran (Corresponding Author)

3 Faculty, Department of Educational Sciences, Tabriz Branch, University of Tabriz, Iran


The purpose of this study is to design, validity and reliability of students' hidden curriculum questionnaire. The research is of descriptive and instrumental type and is in the category of survey research. The initial questionnaire was designed in 66 items with a combination of document study, research and semi-structured interviews with experts of Urmia University of Medical Sciences. Formal validity, content-dependent validity was evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively, and construct validity was investigated by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. After determining the content validity quantitatively and qualitatively and the construct validity, the questionnaire was reduced to 52 items. The threshold coefficient was calculated for all items of the questionnaire and for all items more than 50% of the respondents answered the appropriate option and the threshold coefficient of all items above/ 42. Was obtained, and their validity was finally confirmed. The result is that the hidden curriculum questionnaire has good validity and reliability.


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