Document Type : Original Article


Faculty Member, Department of Educational Management, Farhangian University, Ahvaz. Iran.


De-schooling, genuine learning, the extension of education beyond the physical space of classroom, and educational justice seem to be proper strategies to overcome the challenges of education in today's world. This study was designed to investigate the paradigm shift from instruction-focused to learning-focused education and its outcomes during the COVID19 pandemic. Thus, we explored the nature and manifestations of such a paradigm shift and aimed at its development beyond the walls of classroom during the COVID 19 pandemic. The research method used in this Systematic Review study was qualitative in nature.  The results showed that moving towards the learning paradigm with its manifestations (virtual reality, webinar, mok, playmaking, mentoring, coaching, mobile learning) in the COVID-19 pandemic period, while adapting to the theory of De-schooling and supporters of critical perspective, has approaches such as: original learning, educational justice and equal opportunities for all.


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