Document Type : Original Article


Fuculty member, Department of Administration and Educational Planning, College of Education & Psychology Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness ofquality of learning experience on academic stressand research self-efficacy of medical students. Hence, the research method was a descriptive correlational study. The research sample also consisted of 268 medical students at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences those were selected by cluster random sampling method. In addiotion, the research tools included quality of learning experience scale, academic stressscale and Research self-efficacy scale. After confirming their validity and reliability, the scales were distributed among the samples, and then the data were analyzed using structural equation model. Findings consequently showed that the quality of learning experience had a positive and significant effect on Research self-efficacy, although  it had a negative and significant effect on academic stress.  Correspondingly, academic stress caused a negative and significant effect on Research self-efficacy. These results indicated the existence of a significant relationship between the quality of learning experiences, academic stressand self-efficacy of research, therefore, this suggests that the relationship between the quality of learning experiences and their research effectiveness is directly and indirectly impacted by academic stress.


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