Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty member, Department of educational Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D student in Educational Psychology, Department of educational Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and educational Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran


In the present study, the causal-effects model of teaching and behavioral management of university professors on the reduction of students' destructive behaviors through self-efficacy were designed and tested. All professors at Payame Noor University of Ahwaz were included in statistical society that 156 members were voluntarily selected. To collect data, a researcher-made teaching, behavioral and destructive behavior questionnaire (2017) and self-efficacy scale of Nezami, Schwarzer & Jeroaslem (1996) were used. Then, data analysis was performed by using SPSS and Amos software and it indicated the appropriateness of the proposed model. In addition, the results of the analysis showed that teaching and behavioral management of university professors in reducing students' classroom malicious behaviors had a negative casual effect, although the same variables (teaching management and classroom behavior management) had positive casual effect on increasing the self-efficacy of university professors whereas self-efficacy of university professors in reducing destructive behaviors of students' had a negative effect. According to the present study, the more improvement of teaching, behavior management and self-efficacy of university professors, the less students' classroom behaviors.


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