Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student in Public Administration, Department of Human Resource Management, Bonab Branch-Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran.

2 Faculty Member, Department of Public Administration, Bonab Branch-Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran.


The purpose of this study was to present an appropriate model of knowledge management deployment in the executive agencies of Azarbaijan province. Research method in terms of purpose, applied; depending on the data type, the causal-qualitative; therefore, the data theory approach of the foundation was used. The experts of the executive-academic bodies formed the statistical sample of the research. Due to the adequacy of sampling and theoretical saturation, 19 people were selected by purposeful sampling. Next, data were collected by semi-structured interview method and also continuous comparative method in three stages (open coding, axial coding and selective coding) was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the following sub-categories in different area were confirmed in the qualitative model consisted; three sub-categories in the causal conditions of knowledge management deployment (necessity for change, knowledge service promotion and business strategy); three sub-categories in the context of knowledge management deployment (leader, cultural and structural factors); and three sub-categories in Interventional conditions of knowledge management deployment (IT infrastructure, human resources and organizational features); and three sub-categories in knowledge management deployment strategies (knowledge incentives, knowledge mapping and training and empowerment); and three sub-categories in The implications of knowledge management deployment (productivity, organizational learning, and organizational innovation), respectively.


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