Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student in curriculum, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Meymeh Branch-Islamic Azad University, Meymeh, Iran.

2 Faculty Member, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Qom University, Qom, Iran.


The aim of present research was to survey the effects of internship based on autobiography on teachers’ professional competences of Farhangian University teacher-students. This study was applied research with regarding to method, a quantitative and experimental approach. The statistical population were all the internship students in Amir Kabir girl campus in Karaj. 30 students were selected through the random sampling method and then divided randomly into two experimental and control groups. Then, the experimental group educated for eight weeks during their internship; while conducting the experiment, the design’s internal and external validations were considered. In addition, the research tool was a researcher made questionnaire. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the questionnaire reliability was 0.89, too. Professional skills of the students were assessed before and after experiment. The effect of pretest was controlled by using covariance analysis method. Hence, the research hypothesizes were analyzed and interpreted by Ankwa statistical methods for comparing the means of two independent groups with pretest controlling. After data analysis, the results showed that the experimental group education was effective on enhancing teacher-students’ professional competences and autobiography education revealed 46 percent of teacher-students’ professional competences (β=0.461, P=0.001). Therefore, it can be said that internship based on autobiography, according to the findings, can be applied in Farhangian University curriculum internship as an effective pattern and causes the enhancement of teacher-students professional competence level.


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